Dufour 430 — Ebene
Innovate for more thrills with the Dufour 430 You want more sensations, you also want easy access. When Performance rhymes with simplicity. This quest for balance is the primary vocation of the Dufour 430. A true cruiser with exceptional marine qualities, it fully embodies the aspiration of Dufour sailing boats. With a natural elegance, it stands out with its hull with supple lines, with a significantly higher and rounded aft chine, creating a contrast with its sleek hull step. The bridge illustrates a perfect optimization, both by the ease of movement on board, and by its range of top-of-the-range equipment. The Dufour 430 is a 13-meter sailboat designed for lovers of superior nautical sensations. The guarantee of sensational pleasure for all your sailing experiences.
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En cubierta
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